Sample command line for silent install
"Request Management for WAP API v1.4.5739.exe" /quiet AGREETOLICENSE="yes" SM_SERVER_NAME="" SM_ACCOUNT_NAME="smservice" SM_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN="contoso" SM_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD="P@$$w0rd1" SM_API_USER="abc123" SM_API_PASSWORD="P@$$w0rd1" SQL_SERVER_NAME="" SQL_DATABASE="ServiceManager" SQL_CONN_STR=";Database=ServiceManager;Integrated Security=True" |
Service Manager Management Server or load balancing cluster of Management Servers to work against. |
The account name of a Service Manager Admin. We suggest you use the “SM Service” account, same as used by the System Center Data Access Service on the Management Servers. |
The domain of the account used in SM_ACCOUNT_NAME. |
The password of the account used in SM_ACCOUNT_NAME. |
A user name of your choice that you want to use to connect to the web service from Windows Azure Pack. |
A password of your choice that you want to use to connect to the web service from Windows Azure Pack. |
The System Center SQL server name (where the ServiceManager database runs). If required you can specify instance and port using the following syntax. <server>\<instance>,<port> |
SQL_DATABASE | The name of the Service Manager database, normally ServiceManager. |
The connection string to be used by the Usage Collector against the Service Manager database. Should typically be: “Server=<SQL_SERVER_NAME>;Database=<SQL_DATABASE>;Integrated Security=True” The account that will be using the connection string is the SM_ACCOUNT_NAME |
NOTE: In future releases we’ll make the SQL_CONN_STR parameter optional, if not specified we’ll construct it based on the SQL_SERVER_NAME and SQL_DATABASE parameters.
1 comment
Exactly what I needed. Thanks very much!
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