Release History
Product: Request Management for WAP
Current Version: Rev: 1.5.7919 (SCSM 2012 versions) & 2.0.7912 (SCSM 2016 & later)
Release Date: 2021-09-06
Request Management for WAP
Request Management for Windows Azure Pack allows users to submit, track, and update incidents and requests for existing and new resources from within Windows Azure Pack.
1.5.7919 & 2.0.7912 (2021-09-06)
- FIX -Fix for vulnerability CVE-2021-40371 allowing directory traversal. We strongly recommend that you update your installation to this version or fix the security issue. Big thanks go out to Giulian Guran (Certitude Consulting GmbH) for finding and reporting this!
More information can be found here:
CVE-2021-40371 - Directory Traversal (
CVE - CVE-2021-40371 (
1.5.7704 & 2.0.7704 (2021-02-18)
FIX -Wizard tooltips now order correctly when updated using remote source
1.5.7431 & 2.0.7431 (2020-05-13)
New - PromptId ($formContext.PromptId) variable is now available in remote source and validation scripts
1.5.6954 & 2.0.6954 (2019-04-18)
FIX - Next button was sometimes disabled if EULA was enabled on first page
FIX - Next button was clickable even if remote sources still loaded
1.5.6922 & 2.0.6922 (2019-01-05)
NEW - Script name added to remote source/validation exception in event log
NEW - Single RP mode introduced that enables parallel threads communicating with SCSM, increasing performance and decreasing load on SCSM server
Note: This is only applicable for single RP deployments -
FIX - Request wizard could “cut” prompts if you had a true/false prompt and used list box as source for visibility
1.5.6836 & 2.0.6836 (2018-09-20)
FIX - Remote validation script failed to validate prompts
1.5.6814 & 2.0.6814 (2018-09-10)
NEW - Script paths are now validated server-side before executed
NEW - When a query result prompt is hidden, wizard pages are now hidden instead of showing empty wizard page
FIX - Request view side-menu didn’t sort on ID
1.5.6793 & 2.0.6793 (2018-08-07)
FIX - Setting default value in a query result prompt using remote source script required remote validation script to be enabled to work
1.5.6732 & 2.0.6732 (2018-06-08)
NEW - Remote Source on Query Result Prompts now supports setting default value(s)
1.5.6613 & 2.0.6613 (2018-02-20)
FIX - When a wizard scrollbar was present and prompt value was selected or entered, the page was automatically scrolled down to the bottom
1.5.6596 & 2.0.6596 (2018-01-23)
NEW - It is now possible to add an EULA first or last in wizards
FIX - When more prompts were shown using conditional visibility, scrollbar was not visible
FIX - Remote source multi-line prompts now expand above two rows when in conditional visibility
FIX - Request/Service Offering sorting was not correct when using multiple Plans/Catalog Groups
FIX - Calendar was not closed correctly when entering incorrect date manually in date prompt
FIX - It was possible to paste incorrect values to list prompts
1.5.6522 & 2.0.6522 (2017-11-10)
NEW - Query result prompt now supports remote source and validation with multi-select
FIX - Additional columns in request/resource lists are now converted to local machine time zone
FIX - Request created using action, is now created in the same subscription as the target resource
FIX - Problem saving remote script settings on integer prompt has been fixed
1.5.6358 & 2.0.6358 (2017-05-29)
NEW - Resource Management: The subscription picker in the Create Request Wizard is now filtered based on the Affected Resource (when one is available). Normally this means that users will not have to select a subscription, even though they have access to multiple, since there is normally only one subscription associated with a resource (SCSM Configuration Item).
Note: An affected resource is only available when the create request wizard has been launched using an action from within the Resource section. -
FIX - Minor fixes have been implemented to improve stability
1.5.6302 & 2.0.6302 (2017-04-11)
FIX - Tooltips are no longer left visible when the associated prompts are hidden using conditional visibility
1.5.6290 & 2.0.6290 (2017-03-22)
NEW - It is now possible to configure conditional visibility of prompts, this can be used to create a decision tree experience in the request wizard
- NEW - It is now possible to override some translations of the Request Management module in the Tenant Site
- FIX - Some browser culture settings caused values from a date picker prompt to be written incorrectly to Service Manager
FIX - List prompts could incorrectly become “readonly” in the Request Wizard during page updates
- FIX - List prompts could incorrectly be left open/expanded after focus was taken from the prompt, e.g. when clicking the next button in the wizard
FIX - Child levels of a list prompt were too narrow and could not fit “enough” text
- FIX - When having a long list of service offerings in the Create Request Wizard the last item in the list could be cut off, showing only the upper part of the text
1.5.6192 & 2.0.6192 (2016-12-19)
NEW - Request Details now shows "Affected User" and "Created By" on the right-hand side
FIX - Preventive measures have been implemented to protect against cross site scripting
1.5.6135 & 2.0.6135 (2016-11-14)
NEW - Support added for Windows Server 2016
FIX - Regular expression validation did not work as expected
1.5.6110 & 2.0.6110 (2016-10-06)
NEW - Support for Service Management Automation 2016 for Resource Actions
1.5.6087 (2016-09-02)
NEW - The parameters sent to the Remote Validation and Remote Source scripts now include the selected Request Offering
NEW - Service Offerings and Request Offerings are now filtered to the selected language
NEW - Added support for “display only” on list prompts
FIX - Searching a Query Result Prompt that targeted a combination class did not work as intended
FIX - Setting Prompts per page to zero in plan settings caused a bug in the Request Wizard
FIX - License Activation errors was not displayed correctly to the user
FIX - Multi line prompts did not show validation errors correctly
1.5.5990 (2016-05-27)
FIX - Trying to suspend or change primary owner of a subscription containing the Request Management service resulted in a subscription out-of-sync
1.5.5946 (2016-04-12)
NEW - Service Manager Request Offerings
Use the new publish option for Request Offerings called “WAP: Action Type” to avoid exposing a Request Offering in the New Request Wizard but allow it to be used as a Request Action
NEW - Advanced Configuration for Service Manager Request Offerings
Password Textbox: Text prompts can be configured to be displayed as Password prompts
It is now possible to RSA encrypt text entered in a Password prompt before it is stored in Service Manager
Prompts can be included/excluded from the “User Input”
Added support for tooltips on prompts
NEW - Request Management
Knowledge Articles now support displaying internal content in html
It is now possible to search in all request offerings using a new All category in the New Request Wizard
NEW - Resource Management
Launching a Request Offering from an Action now renders the Request Offering in a new Wizard specially built for Action Requests
It is now possible to provide a UPN domain to NetBIOS domain name mapping which is used when automatically creating new users in the CMDB
FIX - Grids in general did not support decimal showing decimal values
FIX - Query Result prompts did not update prompts dependent on them for remote validation
FIX - Display Only prompts did not run remote validation correctly
FIX - When running in User Mode and having access to multiple subscriptions, sometimes the wrong subscription was shown as associated with a request
FIX - Comments added through Request Management set the CreatedBy field of comments to the user’s UPN instead of the Display Name
FIX - Custom SQL ports sometimes caused installation failure when installing the Request Management API
1.4.5823 (2016-01-21)
- FIX - Users that have a UPN with a different casing in the CMDB compared to their username in WAP were not matched and therefore a new user object was automatically created in the CMDB when the WAP user made the first request
1.4.5795 (2015-11-19)
NEW - It is now possible to remove the possibility of cancelling a Request in the Request Details page
NEW - It is now possible to provide a custom filter for retrieving Requests and Activities, this allows you to e.g. exclude Completed or Cancelled Requests
NEW - It is now possible to provide a custom filter for retrieving Activities, this allows you to e.g. exclude Completed Activities
NEW - It is now possible to add custom columns to the list of Requests
NEW - It is now possible to add custom columns to the list of Activities
NEW - It is now possible to add custom columns to the list of Resources
NEW - It is now possible to configure automatic refresh of the Request- and Activity Details pages
FIX - When done typing in a textbox, prompts dependent on the textbox were not updated before changing focus to a different control
FIX - Putting a Service Offering in Draft mode did not hide the child Request Offerings in the New Request Wizard
FIX - Accessing the New Request Wizard when no Offerings are published caused the UI to freeze
FIX - Fixed additional minor UX issues
1.4.5681 (2015-07-24)
FIX - Properties declared in Form Declarations were not passed correctly to SMA Runbooks when initiated by a Runbook Action
FIX - Extension properties were not passed correctly to SMA Runbooks when initiated by a Runbook Action
1.4.5637 (2015-06-08)
NEW - Resource Management
View configuration items related to a subscription or a custodian in the tenant portal
Configure custom Actions for resource that can execute SMA runbooks
Access SMA runbook output from previously executed runbooks for a resource
Configure custom Actions for resources that acts as short cuts into the new Request Wizard
Define layout of resource details page per type using XML markup
- NEW - Advanced Configuration for Service Manager Request Offerings
Configure dependencies between prompts to trigger re-run of remote source scripts as a previous prompt is updated
Access current value of all prompts from remote source and remote validation scripts
Define different headers for different pages in the Request Offering wizard
NEW - Swedish translations have been added for Resource Management functionality of the Tenant Site
NEW - Turkish is now a supported language
FIX - German, Greek and Danish translations were incorrect in the initial version 1.4 release
FIX - Displaying Enumeration Lists in the “New Request Wizard” with more than one level did not work
FIX - Under certain conditions the Request Management API installer needed to be launched from command prompt running as administrator, in the initial version 1.4 release, to function correctly during upgrade scenarios
FIX - It was not possible to choose on which side to have currency symbol in price tag
FIX - Some validation scenarios required clicking “next” two times
1.3.5555 (2015-03-18)
NEW - Advanced Configuration for Service Manager Request Offerings
Visualize cost for a Request Offering
Adjust cost for service-based user input (answers to questions in the form)
Use PowerShell scripts to validate user input
Use PowerShell to populate lists in forms
Define different headers for different pages in the Request Offering wizard
- FIX - Linking the “answer” of a Query Result Prompt to the criteria of a Query Result Prompt did not work
FIX - Mapping the “Token: Portal User Name” to a property did not work. The property is left blank after request has been created
1.2.5409 (2014-10-01)
- NEW - Support for all languages supported by Windows Azure Pack
Chinese – Simplified
Chinese – Traditional
+ Swedish
- FIX - An issue caused the New Request wizard to freeze
FIX - An issue caused incorrect date time values to be pushed into Service Manager (this only occurred under very specific circumstances)
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