There is no method in current version of Azure Stack to hide Marketplace items for users. This means that even if your subscription doesn't have the services needed to provision the Marketplace item, users still have access to the Marketplace item wizard and that can sometime be confusing.
Limiting access
In EvOps you can limit access to EvOps Marketplace items for specific users or groups. In this way users that don't have access will receive an informational message when trying to click on the item.
By default, when you create a Request template (that is the definition of a Marketplace item) all users have access to the Marketplace item, but if you specifically select users and/or groups in the Request template security settings this can lock down access to only these users/groups. Please see below instructions.
- Open Request template
- Click Security
- Click + Add
- Search for user or group to filter access to the Marketplace item, select User/Group and click Select
- Click Overview and click Publish
- Done
This will result in the below message being shown to users without access when trying to click on the Marketplace item.
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