Marketplace wizards in EvOps have decision tree support, meaning that you can show and hide prompts based on condition dependencies on selections in previous prompts.
Conditional visibility can be configured on all prompt types. On SKU prompts, you can configure visibility on the prompt itself and on individual SKU items you create.
Configuration of conditional visibility is made on the Visibility tab of each prompt. By default, when no criterion is set, prompt is always visible. Adding a visibility condition is done by clicking Configure, then click Add clause.
Then a field needs to be selected from a list of all prompts prior to the prompt configuring. After that, an operator needs to be specified and finally a value. If the selected field has static values, a drop-down list of values will be available. In the example above, the prompt will be hidden until/if the prompt value of Purpose equals tst, then it becomes visible.
Additional clauses can be added by clicking Add clause and you can combine them with OR/AND statements.
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