Published: January 2021
Getting Started
Ensure that you fulfill the below requirements before proceeding.
- Gridpro EvOps 1.2008.2094 or later
- Pure Storage FlashBlade with Purity 3.0 or later
- API Token for target FlashBlade
Setting up Pure Storage Integration
The Azure Stack Hub Operators need to perform the following steps to enable the Pure Storage Integration in EvOps for Azure Stack Hub.
Enabling Feature and Adding Connector
- Open Azure Stack Hub Administration Portal
- Navigate to All Services and find EvOps
- Open EvOps blade and click Features menu item.
- In the Pure Storage section, flip the Status switch from Off -> On. Notice that the Pure Storage menu item gets activated
- Select the Pure Storage menu item
- Click the + Add connector button.
- Provide a Name for the connector. Name listed in Connector drop-down when users create file systems and object store accounts.
- Provide a Pure Storage API endpoint. URL Rest API endpoint of the Pure Storage FlashBlade.
- Provide Max total file system provisioned size. Maximum allowed data size stored, regardless of how provisioned in Azure Stack Hub or Pure Storage interfaces. If the total amount of data stored reach this limit, no File system or Object store accounts can be created or modified using this connector. This setting ensures that the Azure Stack environment cannot over-provision beyond this size to each FlashBlade.
- Click OK to add the connector.
- If the Status column shows Connected, the connection works.
Importing Pure Storage Marketplace Items
Marketplace offerings for creating File systems and Object store accounts aren't by default published into the Marketplace. Follow the instructions below to publish the offerings. First, we need to locate the path to the azpkg files for the offerings stored in the EvOps deployment storage account. Make sure that you have access to the subscription that contains the EvOps RP infrastructure.
- Log in to the Azure Stack Hub portal.
- Click All services, then click Resource groups.
- Open resource group named <Region>.evops, were <Region> represents the Azure Stack Hub region.
- In the list of resources, click the storage account name that starts with evopsdeploy.
- Click Containers in the left-side menu
- Open the container with the current EvOps version in the name.
- Click … on the file PSObjectStoreAccount.<Version>.azpkg and select Generate SAS
- Click Generate SAS token and URL
- Copy the Blob SAS URL path and save it for later use
- Close the window
- Click … on the file PSFileSystem.<Version>.azpkg and select Generate SAS
- Click Generate SAS token and URL
- ..Copy the Blob SAS URL path and save it for later use
- Use a workstation with the AzS PowerShell tools installed and access to the privileged endpoint (PEP). Login as an Azure Stack Hub operator
- Open a PowerShell ISE as administrator.
- Paste below code:
$armEndpoint = 'https://adminmanagement.%Region%.%Domain%' $adminArm = Add-AzureRMEnvironment -Name 'AzsAdmin' -ArmEndpoint $armEndpoint Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment $adminArm Add-AzsGalleryItem -GalleryItemUri '%OSADownloadURL%' Add-AzsGalleryItem -GalleryItemUri '%FSDownloadURL%'
- Replace %Region% with Azure Stack stamp region-name
- Replace %Domain% with Azure Stack domain name
- Replace %OSADownloadURL% with the URL copied in step 9
- Replace %FSDownloadURL% with the URL copied in step 13
- Click F5 to run the script..
- Log in with a user with equivalent to Cloud Admin..
- Verify that the script executed without any errors
Creating a Plan with quota
- Open Azure Stack Hub Administration Portal
- Navigate to All services and click Plans in the ADMINISTRATIVE RESOURCES section
- Click + Add
- Provide a minimum Display name and select a Resource group, then click Next: Services
- Check EvOps service in the list, then click Next: Quotas.
- Click Create New
- Provide a quota Name
- Set Max accounts to 0 and leave Unlimited unchecked since this quota is for Pure Storage integration only
- Set a quota on File systems by providing the total provisioned file system size for the Plan by setting Max total filesystem provisioned size to maximum quota size
- Set a quota on Object store accounts by providing a total number of provisioned Object store accounts for the Plan by setting Max number of object store accounts
- Click OK, then click Review + create
- Click Create to create the Plan.
User guide
File systems
File storage is a data storage format in which data is stored and managed as files within folders within a hierarchical file system. Evops provides the ability to create one or many root file systems from within Azure Stack against a Pure Storage FlashBlade storage system. Below are the instructions on how to deploy a Pure Storage file system from Azure Stack Hub.
Create a File system
- Open Azure Stack Hub Portal
- Click + Create a resource.
- Click Data + Storage section
- Select the File system
- Select target Subscription
- Create or select an existing Resource group
- Select a Location
- Choose a FlashBlade from the Connector list.
- Provide a File system name
- Set an initial Provisioned size. Sets the size limit on the file system that can be modified later.
- Select the Protocols to enable in the file system
- Click Review and create
- Use the Download template link to extract the ARM template for performing creating the File system.
- Click Create
Edit File systems
- Open Azure Stack Hub Portal
- Click All services – All.
- Select File systems
- Click a File system in the list.
- Click Configuration
- From here, Provisioning size and Protocol settings are modifiable.
- Click Snapshots
- From here, Snapshots are created, deleted, and restored.
- Properties and Locks are Azure Stack Hub defaults.
Create File systems using ARM template
- You can create file systems using ARM templates directly using the below sample.
{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "fileSystemName": { "type": "string" }, "connectorId": { "type": "string" }, "nfsV3Enabled": { "type": "bool" }, "smbEnabled": { "type": "bool" }, "httpEnabled": { "type": "bool" }, "nfsRules": { "type": "string" }, "nfsV41Enabled": { "type": "bool" }, "aclMode": { "type": "string" }, "provisionedSize": { "type": "int" }, "location": { "type": "string" }, "tags": { "type": "object", "metadata": { "description": "The map of key-value pairs used to tag the file system." } } }, "resources": [ { "apiVersion": "2015-05-01", "name": "[parameters('fileSystemName')]", "location": "[parameters('location')]", "type": "Gridpro.EvOps/fileSystems", "properties": { "connectorId": "[parameters('connectorId')]", "nfsV3Enabled": "[parameters('nfsV3Enabled')]", "smbEnabled": "[parameters('smbEnabled')]", "httpEnabled": "[parameters('httpEnabled')]", "nfsRules": "[parameters('nfsRules')]", "provisionedSize": "[parameters('provisionedSize')]", "nfsV41Enabled": "[parameters('nfsV41Enabled')]", "aclMode": "[parameters('aclMode')]" }, "tags": "[parameters('tags')]", "kind": "FileSystem" } ] }
Object store accounts
Create an Object store account
- Open Azure Stack Hub Portal
- Click + Create a resource.
- Click Data + Storage section
- Select Object store account
- Select target Subscription
- Create or select an existing Resource group
- Select a Location
- Choose a FlashBlade from the Connector list.
- Provide an Object store account name
- Provide a Bucket name
- Provide a Username
- Click Review and create
- Use the Download template link to extract the ARM template for performing creating the object store account.
- Click Create
Edit Object store account
- Open Azure Stack Hub Portal
- Click All services – All.
- Select Object store accounts
- Click an Object store account in the list.
- Click Buckets
- From here, Buckets can be created, restored, and deleted, and versioning can enable versioning on buckets.
- Click Users
- From here, Users can be created with access keys and deleted.
- Click Access keys
- From here, you create Access keys. Access keys can also be enabled/disabled
- Properties and Locks are Azure Stack Hub defaults
Create Object store account using ARM template
- You can create Object store accounts using ARM templates directly using the below sample.
{ "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "accountName": { "type": "string" }, "bucketName": { "type": "string" }, "userName": { "type": "string" }, "connectorId": { "type": "string" }, "location": { "type": "string" }, "tags": { "type": "object", "metadata": { "description": "The map of key-value pairs used to tag the account." } } }, "resources": [ { "apiVersion": "2015-05-01", "name": "[parameters('accountName')]", "location": "[parameters('location')]", "type": "Gridpro.EvOps/objectStores", "properties": { "connectorId": "[parameters('connectorId')]" }, "tags": "[parameters('tags')]", "resources": [ { "type": "users", "apiVersion": "2015-05-01", "name": "[parameters('userName')]", "location": "[parameters('location')]", "dependsOn": [ "[resourceId('Gridpro.EvOps/objectStores', parameters('accountName'))]" ], "properties": {} }, { "type": "buckets", "apiVersion": "2015-05-01", "name": "[parameters('bucketName')]", "location": "[parameters('location')]", "dependsOn": [ "[resourceId('Gridpro.EvOps/objectStores', parameters('accountName'))]" ], "properties": {} } ] } ] }
Disable Pure Storage Integration
IMPORTANT: This section describes disabling Pure Storage integration. But because of Azure Resource Manager functionality, resources will still be visible in tenants where Pure Storage resources have been created and must be deleted manually not to show up for tenants.
Deleting Pure Storage Marketplace Items
- Find a workstation with the AzS PowerShell tools installed and access to the privileged endpoint (PEP). Login as an Azure Stack Hub operator
- Open a PowerShell ISE as administrator.
- Paste below code:
$armEndpoint = 'https://adminmanagement.%Region%.%Domain%' $adminArm = Add-AzureRMEnvironment -Name 'AzsAdmin' -ArmEndpoint $armEndpoint
Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment $adminArm Remove-AzsGalleryItem -Name 'Gridpro.PSObjectStoreAccount.%Version%' Remove-AzsGalleryItem -Name 'Gridpro.PSFileSystem.%Version%' - Replace %Region% with Azure Stack stamp region-name
- Replace %Domain% with Azure Stack domain name
- Replace %Version% with the version of the imported Pure Storage marketplace items
- Click F5 to run the script.
- Log in with a user with equivalent to Cloud Admin.
- Verify that the script executed without any errors
- Refresh the browser and verify that Pure Storage Marketplace items aren't visible
Disable Pure Storage Integration Feature
- Open Azure Stack Hub Administration Portal
- Navigate to All Services and find EvOps
- Open EvOps blade and click Features menu item.
- In the Pure Storage section, flip the Status switch from On -> Off. Notice that the Pure Storage menu item gets disabled
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