Release History
Product: WebFront for Service Manager
Current Version: 4.1.2192
Release Date: 2023-03-10
WebFront for Service Manager
WebFront for Service Manager is a web console used for managing your daily work in Microsoft System Center Service Manager™. It enables common tasks usually only accessible by using the System Center Service Manager console to be accessible via a web browser.
4.1.2192 (2023-03-10)
- Fix - Issues with the print task
4.1.2191 (2022-12-22)
- Fix - Hiding fields may cause performance issues
4.1.2190 (2022-12-20)
- New - Tooltips to console tasks added
4.1.2142 (2021-09-27)
- New - Style canceled SLOs to improve UX
- New - Make parent work item link interactive in mobile UX (forms)(released earlier in private build)
- Fix - SLA Icon not showing in some PowerViews
- Fix - View crashes caused by multiple items being related through a relationship that has max cardinality of 1
- Fix - Sorting of enums should not only use Ordinal to sort but alpha-numeric sorting as a second factor for items with the same Ordinal
- Fix - Template sorting for ItnetX SendEmail(released earlier in private build)
4.1.2114 (2021-02-18)
NEW - PowerForm now shows a warning when the Description field content is longer than 4000 characters
FIX - Text fields now fully expand in desktop mode
FIX - Additional labels support hiding using form customizations
FIX - Improved bullet and list handling in rich-text fields
FIX - Improved image handling in rich-text fields
FIX - Fixed compatibility issues with IE
FIX - Max length warning added on PoweForm title field
FIX - Fixed timezone issues with SLA remaining time
FIX - Fixed KB rating comment defect
4.1.1832 (2020-06-04)
NEW - Added support for multi-select in Incident Assign to me and Assign to analyst
NEW - Comments not added are now added automatically when saving
NEW - Added Create computer task in Windows Computer form
NEW - Rich Text Binary Fields support in Form Customization
FIX - Windows Computer now supports negative time zone values
FIX - Column filter now handles short strings better
FIX - IIS services don’t crash if a table is copied into the Announcement field
FIX - Service Level Target column values are now shown in My Active Work Items even if the user doesn’t have “All catalog items can be accessed” permission
FIX - Form customization: Related Items child Items Display Names can now be shown in columns
4.1.1765 (2020-01-22)
FIX - The Service Level tab now shows ‘Time before SLO breached’ correctly
FIX - Typing string ‘??’ in columns now shows the actual string
4.1.1763 (2019-12-17)
NEW - Multi-select for Activate, Resolve, and Close tasks
FIX - Assigned to column now shows value in Incident Child
FIX - Search Knowledge no longer freezes when a Knowledge view is selected
FIX - KB form customizations made to the Analyst tab no longer duplicate on the Related Items tab
FIX - Multi-select is no longer available when the incident form is open
4.1.1509 (2019-07-24)
NEW - It is now possible to set a default value for the “Scope to Global Operators” checkbox in Administration
NEW - Multi-select support for initial Change Status task, by holding down Ctrl and selecting multiple Incidents
FIX - WebFront now loads if Skype integration is enabled and the client does not have internet access
FIX - Release Managers can now skip activity tasks as in the standard console
FIX - Change request form multiline textboxes now shows more than three rows when having content
FIX - Action log entries now wrap texts
4.1.1384 (2019-05-20)
NEW - Double-click on search result items to open
NEW - Double-click to open file attachments
FIX - It was possible to Approve/Reject review activities in the Pending status
FIX - Clicking Refresh or Apply on the custom tab could result in an empty tab
FIX - Clicking custom tabs on related items opened from the main form did not work
4.1.1186 (2019-04-02)
NEW - Single instance picker support in form customization
NEW - Custom wunderbars can now be configured visible from the Administration page
NEW - System Center Service Manager 2019 support
4.1.1151 (2019-03-11)
FIX - Status column was not shown for all types of User related work items
FIX - Enums were not shown correctly in form customization for columns
FIX - Create custom user failed to open form after create
FIX - Limited Skip activity access as in standard console for non-SCSM admins
FIX - Activity relationships were not added when creating SRs through a template
FIX - Properties were not transferred to a new activity when adding activities in IR, SR, and CR
4.0.8229 (2019-02-25)
FIX - Record opened was not added to the action log in PowerForm
FIX - The user picker was not resolving users
FIX - IRs and SRs created now gets a record opened entry in the action log
FIX - Issue with action log item when resolving an incident from PowerForm
4.0.8209 (2019-01-04)
FIX - Datetime fields could under certain circumstances adjust the date/time
4.0.8198 (2018-11-05)
NEW - WebFront now supports PowerAssign optional behavior to clear assigned to if no user has been selected
FIX - Outgoing CTI Skype conversations were not saved in the conversation list
FIX - Create Service Request wizard was skipped the second time used
FIX - Voted by field was not set when approving/rejecting in review activity form
4.0.8178 (2018-10-18)
FIX - Properties were not transferred to template when creating Release Record
FIX - Rich text property changes were not reflected in history tab
FIX - Column alignment was out synced when clicking view column filter button in Microsoft Edge
FIX - It was not possible to paste pictures into knowledge articles
FIX - History tab did not show correctly when dynamic views were enabled
FIX - PowerAssign was not honouring IsCommentRequired setting
FIX - It was not possible to hide IR "Affected user Cis" control in Incident form
4.0.8155 (2018-10-09)
NEW - Console task now supported using JavaScript
NEW - Release Management support now implemented
NEW - Form customizations of generic forms now possible
FIX - It was possible to set an earlier End date than Start date on activities
4.0.8125 (2018-09-13)
NEW - WebFront now handles incoming Skype conversation as other Skype clients do
NEW - Skype notification improvements
NEW - Toast message for new conversations
NEW - Indication of new message in existing conversations
NEW - Ability to close a conversation
FIX - It was possible to set an earlier End date than Start date on Change Requests
FIX - Error messages were not enough visible to users when failing to save forms
FIX - Approve/reject comments limit was set to 4000 char instead of 256 char
FIX - WORK ITEMS AFFECTING THIS CONFIGURATION ITEM section was missing in generic form
FIX - Task spacing added
FIX - Minor form label adjustments
4.0.8096 (2018-06-21)
FIX - Images were not showing correctly in KB articles when imported from RTF
FIX - Clicking OK in the Search User dialog without selecting a user, left the dialog in a spinning status
4.0.8090 (2018-06-05)
NEW - Search knowledge article improvements
NEW - Column resizing support
NEW - Double-click support added where applicable
NEW - Full text tooltip is showing when text is cut
NEW - All views now honour dynamic view settings
NEW - Limited multiline value support
NEW - User preferences like column width and sort order are now saved in browser cookie
FIX - PowerAssign now supports clearing Support Group in WebFront as in Service Manager
FIX - Memory leak in auto refresh feature fixed
FIX - Service Level Target column showed “Invalid date” when string was empty
FIX - PowerView showed error message “Third party views not supported” randomly even when supported
4.0.8065 (2018-04-11)
NEW - Configuring auto-refresh on views
NEW - Refreshing current view when saving form
NEW - Initiating Skype conversations and comments to existing work items
NEW - Form customization support for derived classes
FIX - Decimal properties now show correctly in generic forms
FIX - address is now only accessed at start up when CTI is enabled
FIX - Linking/unlinking parent incident now works for both parent/child
FIX - Skipped activities now have skip icon before service request is completed
FIX - It is now possible to add rich text field to form customization
FIX - Performance improvements opening forms in larger environments
4.0.8039 (2018-03-16)
FIX - PowerView randomly failed to represent all component aliases
FIX - PowerViews based on single view without criteria failed to load
4.0.8001 (2018-01-23)
FIX - Saving user objects without time zone set, caused standard console to crash when user was opened
4.0.7932 (2018-01-11)
NEW - Support for file attachment control in form customizations
FIX - Clicking clear X icon in IE and Edge was not clearing property in list box controls
FIX - Record assigned was logged in action log at SR/IR creation
FIX - Create Knowledge Article task was missing
FIX - Issues opening Checklist activities from work items
FIX - Issues adding Checklist activities to work items
4.0.7894 (2017-12-22)
NEW - Support for related items property fields in customized forms
NEW - Multi select support when adding e.g. affected configuration items
FIX - It was possible to delete activities, even if not having status New
FIX - Affected user was not transferred to Service Request when using Create Service Request task from Incident form
FIX - Alternate contact method field was not saved in PowerForm
FIX - Resizing browser window sometimes messed up columns and rows
FIX - Assigned user object picker was not logging in action log for Service Requests and Incidents
FIX - New activities in existing SR with status Submitted were not triggering internal workflow to set Service Request in progress
- FIX - Using cross icon to clear user control fields in IE and Edge did not save correctly
4.0.7806 (2017-11-28)
NEW - It is now possible to configure stopwatch in Incident Form not to start automatically
NEW - It is now possible to configure stopwatch in Incident Form to hide
NEW - Template picker in CTI/PowerForm has been changed to a grouped combobox to allow filtering and enable easier navigation
NEW - License management has been moved to Administration > General
NEW - Improved support for itnetX Billable Time
Show/Hide stopwatch in Change Request-, Service Request-, Problem-, Manual Activity Form using configuration in Administration > General > Billable Time
Configure stopwatch to start automatically or not in Change Request-, Service Request-, Problem-, Manual Activity Form using configuration in Administration > General > Billable Time
Allow creation of multiple time entries per analyst
Allow comments to be added to time entries
Allow time to be marked as “Unbillable”
NEW - Support for itnetX Checklist Activity
NEW - It is now possible to hide Extension tab using form customizations
NEW - Support for creating and editing Announcements with rich text
FIX - File attachment settings were ignored in some work item forms
FIX - User picker added through form customization was read only, no matter setting
FIX - Selecting Windows Computer as target in global search did not work correctly
FIX - Sorting on date time columns in views did not work correctly for certain date time formats
FIX - Long texts were cut off in History table, making it impossible to read the complete text
FIX - Selecting an expanded element in the History table rendered the text unreadable due to “selected” style
FIX - Using the task Complete and/or Close on a Service Request did not set all properties/relationships compared to standard console
FIX - Switching view while current view still loading caused an error
FIX - Column filters were not applied correctly to views in certain UI modes
FIX - It was not possible to download files containing characters like “åäö” in Internet Explorer
FIX - Horizontal scrollbar was sometimes not visible in views when running with “Dynamic” (responsive) views turned off
4.0.7514 (2017-10-11)
NEW - It is now possible to enable horizontal scroll in views
NEW - View items count is now displayed in breadcrumb
NEW - Computer form is now supported
NEW - Activity action buttons now have tooltips
NEW - Global search textbox was added to top bar
NEW - Read-only control support for form customizations
FIX - Work around for Full screen mode in Internet Explorer 11
FIX - Logo was not showing in Internet Explorer 11
FIX - History was empty on generic forms
FIX - History entries did not display seconds
4.0.7334 (2017-09-08)
NEW - Form customization support
Add/hide fields
Add required fields
Add custom tabs
NEW - Search by column
NEW - Allow users to maximize blades
NEW - Global Search
NEW - Theming
FIX - Performance improvements
- FIX - User Picker can now be cleared without using backspace
4.0.7008 (2017-06-30)
- FIX - Installer now adds IIS extension in upgrade as well
4.0.6951 (2017-06-28)
NEW - Support for itnetX Billable Time (Free version, version 2.0.x.4 or later)
NEW - Support for creating custom types
FIX - Extension tab did not show properties of custom type when used with fallback form
FIX - Activities tab did not show Activities below a depth of 3 levels
FIX - Trying to create pre-resolved Incidents using PowerForm caused an error
FIX - User Form was not displayed correctly when a user did not have a language preference
FIX - Default support group took precedence over chosen support group in PowerForm
FIX - PowerForm did not pick up the Title property from chosen template
Note: This only applied if no Title had been entered by user -
FIX - itnetX Send Mail task did not show for Service Requests
FIX - Default Template setting in itnetX Send Mail was not honored
FIX - The "cc" address used with itnetX Send Mail was not written to the Action Log
FIX - Using WebFront on small screens caused several UX issues
FIX - Downloading certain file types (e.g. Word and Excel files) caused an issue
FIX - Performance improvements when opening forms in WebFront and PowerView
4.0.6663 (2017-05-19)
NEW - Integration with Skype, that enables you to:
Communicate with any user specified in a form
Easily create a new work item for a user you are communicating with in Skype
See presence of any Skype enabled user in the WebFront forms
NEW - Possibility to integrate WebFront with your Telephony System (CTI) for quick lookup of information or optimized ticket registration for a calling user
NEW - Support for third-party product: itnetX Send Mail
NEW - Support for community tools: SendEmail and SendEmail for Service Request Fulfillment
NEW - Support for Gridpro PowerAssign and PowerForm
NEW - Possibility to force a specific date time format for all users in WebFront, this overrides the normal behavior where WebFront tries to use the selected language to figure out which format to use
NEW - New authentication method, optimized for none domain joined devices and users
NEW - A rich User Form with the same capabilities as the form found in the standard console
FIX - Minor graphical corrections in mobile UX
4.0.6245 (2017-03-22)
FIX - View columns bound to the generic Name property ($Name$) did not work
4.0.6176 (2017-03-15)
NEW - Full support for Problem Management including Form and Console Tasks
NEW - Views now show 50 rows per page to improve performance on low performance devices and browsers
FIX - Improved performance for Internet Explorer and Edge
Note: For best performance, we recommend Chrome -
FIX - SLA Met did not show correct icon on Service Level tab in Incident Form
FIX - User Input table on Service Request forms did not show correct data for Query Result prompts
4.0.6092 (2017-03-03)
NEW - Service Request Fulfillment
Console Tasks
NEW - Change Management
Console Tasks
NEW - Activity Management
Review Activity Form and Tasks
Parallel Activity Form and Tasks
Sequential Activity Form and Tasks
4.0.5980 (2017-02-17)
FIX - Issue with offline license activation
FIX - Issue where validation errors were not visualized on the extension tab
FIX - Issue with Incident Priority Calculation in Internet Explorer
FIX - Installer issue with “mimeType” registration
- FIX - IsPrivate flag on comments was set to null instead of False which resulted in comments not being public
4.0.5920 (2017-02-06)
FIX - Installation failed on IIS servers with locked down feature delegation
- FIX - Navigation issue occurred after deep linking to a form and opening up a view while the form was left open
4.0.5901 (2017-02-02)
NEW - Finally, we are proud to announce general availability of WebFront for Service Manager 4.0. It delivers significantly improved access to System Center Service Manager from any modern browser, device or OS, with no dependencies on plugins. The responsive design enhances the WebFront user experience by scaling based on the browser and screen size and will automatically change according to the orientation of the device.
Want to obtain a copy of the latest download link? Contact our Sales department at and we will assist you!
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